Paranormal Encounters and Scientific Evaluations of New England

P.E.A.S.E. of New England

"It's not the dark I'm afraid of. It's what's in the dark that scares me."

Thank you for visiting our site!

We are a paranormal group that endeavors to find and document psi experiences. We have ten members, each with their own unique abilities. Two of our members are mediums and are accomplished at cleansing negative locations. It is our intent to help you with whatever type of activity you are experiencing. Please feel free to contact us at:

[email protected]

Or go to our Contact Us page.

Please include your name and contact information, type of activity you are experiencing and what type of resolution you are hoping to achieve by utilizing our services. Please be as specific as possible when explaining the type of activity, as this will help us to plan for what we need to bring to assist you. It is our goal to serve you as completely and efficiently as possible.

And remember, just because you don't see anything doesn't mean there isn't anything there.

  • We will research your location
  • We will obtain whatever permissions necessary
  • We will investigate as thoroughly as possible
  • We will review our findings
  • We will notify you of our findings
  • Lastly, we will guide you in what we consider the best avenue for your peace of mind

We are a not for profit organization. We do accept donations to help us replenish materials such as batteries, paperwork, fuel and the like. We do require you to purchase your own materials for cleansing. As each location varies in size, different amounts of materials will be required to perform the cleansing tasks.

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All information and personal data on this page may not be used or reproduced in any way without the expressed written consent of P.E.A.S.E. of New England. Any use of said information without prior written consent will be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.